Monday, March 22, 2010

Natural Beliefs vs. Scientific Beliefs

Many people believed in the story of Adam and Eve being the first humans on earth. It was said that God put Adam on the earth to look after the world and to keep him company. God felt sorry for adam because he couldn't relate to any of the animals and needed someone to share life with. Therefore God created eve so adam can have someone who cares for him and someone who he can care for. This is what so called "started the human nation" and that's what I would call "Natural Beliefs". A belief that you are told and can not prove. However, in the formation of the enlightenment, people started to have different ideas on how life started. They started using the idea of reasoning to solve problems so they can have some type of proof to help prove their answers. So now instead of believing in the Adam and Eve story, they started to believe in evolution.


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